June 5th World Environment Day

The very first June 5th World Environment Day was held in Stockholm in 1972 with the participation of 133 countries and was then accepted as World Environment Day. In 1972, in a United Nations organization, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, with the participation of 133 countries, UN unanimously decided to declare June 5th, as the World Environment Day. Since then, there have been many events and activities around the world to attract public attention to environmental issues, to enhance public participation and to increase political interest. Today, there are between 5 and 100 million species on Earth. To date, if we think that, only 2 million species have been discovered, we can say that the information we have on the Earth we live on and other species present in the world is extremely inadequate. While 17,291 known species of plants and animals are at risk of extinction, one of the few species whose number is increasing is human. The one, responsible for this depletion is undoubtedly human. Many forests, pastures, wetlands, agricultural areas and many habitats are destroyed due to many reasons, and fish stocks are decreasing day by day, and gases that cause global warming are getting more and more mixed into the atmosphere every day. As a result, species unfortunately disappear one thousand times faster than their natural speed. It is a known fact that, the diversity on the world provides us with many benefits such as food, fuel, clothing and medicine. From beetle to bee in the garden, from tree to grass, every creature has a connection with each other. In order to protect this diversity and the generation of living beings, the United Nations declared June 5th as the World Environment Day, aiming to provide people with awareness, to preserve the balance of the world, and to show that living things and the environment should be protected.

What should we think of when celebrating World Environment Day?

First of all, let's emphasize that scientists estimate that 150 to 200 species disappear every 24 hours, which is a very serious number. Undoubtedly, from the past to the present, there have been periods in which species have disappeared, but the fastest species extinction encountered in the last 65 million years is, what we have been experiencing nowadays. The share of climate change and global warming, of course, is quite large. Considering that even a small rise in temperatures leads to the destruction of many species of plants and animals, it is not hard to predict how global warming will affect the world.

What can we do to protect the environment?

Protecting the environment means protecting plants and animals, protecting human life, that is, maintaining the balance of the world. Of course, individual efforts may not be enough to solve the serious and dangerous environmental problems that are experienced today, but even every individual's efforts to protect the environment will be an important step in this direction. In particular, the use of motor vehicles is quite common today, but is a great danger for the environment. Although we have recently started using electric vehicles, it is a very difficult task to make it widespread all over the world and it will take a long time. In this case, it may be useful to reduce vehicle use. Besides, the deodorants we use frequently in our daily lives is a detail that can cause harm for the environment and reducing the use of this product means a step towards the environment. It is also possible to contribute to the environment by supporting recycling, planting trees and flowers, and behaving animals as necessary. If you want a happy and healthy life for yourself, your family and your loved ones, you should learn to protect the environment and, most importantly, love the environment. Protect your environment to leave a more livable, happier, healthier and more peaceful world to future generations. Most importantly, you should increase your contribution by raising awareness among people around you.

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