Directive Of The European Parliament And Council

The Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council was adopted in order to prevent or reduce the impact of packaging and packaging waste on the environment.

Although plastic carrier bags are in packaging covered by this Directive, they do not contain specific measures on consumption of these bags. Current consumption levels of plastic carrier bags lead to high levels of garbage and inefficient use of resources and are expected to increase if no action is taken. The littering of plastic tote bags causes environmental pollution and aggravates the problem of extensive littering in water supplies, threatening water-related eco-systems around the world. In addition, the accumulation of plastic carrier bags in the environment clearly has a negative impact on certain economic activities. Max. The damage to the nature of the carrying bags that we use for 12-15 minutes does not even cover the amount of time used. After the plastic bags were charged in our country, the consumption rate decreased by 70%. We look forward to the continuation of this promising increase. The current recycling rates of lightweight plastic carrier bags are very low and are unlikely to reach significant levels in the near future due to various practical and economic difficulties. Eco-friendly 100% recyclable tote bags are the best alternative to reduce the use of plastic bags in this period when the economic difficulties and harm to the nature increase.

The Procedures and Principles Regarding the Pricing of Plastic Bags have been put into effect as of January 1, 2019, in order to prevent environmental pollution by increasing the use of plastic carrying bags and causing inefficient use of resources, to raise awareness for environmental awareness and to manage resources efficiently. Directive 94/62/EC (4) of the European Parliament and of the Council was adopted in order to prevent or reduce the impact of packaging and packaging waste on the environment. The aim is to reduce the cost of economic activities that increase with the accumulation of plastic carrier bags in the environment. The current recycling rates of lightweight plastic carrier bags under 50 microns are very low and are unlikely to reach significant levels in the near future due to various practical and economic difficulties. However, thick plastic carrying bags pose a great danger. For this reason, there has been a great increase in the use and demand of tote bags.

According to the waste hierarchy, prevention takes priority. Plastic carrier bags serve various purposes and their consumption will continue in the future. To ensure that the plastic carrier bags needed do not end up as environmental waste, adequate precautions should be in place and consumers should be informed about correct waste handling. We do not say that plastic bags should be completely removed from our lives, of course, there is no harm in using them in a way that minimizes the harm to the environment and health in the necessary areas of use and if the user is informed about the relevant subject. We recommend the use of tote bags that can be used comfortably in areas of use, attracting attention with their ergonomic and stylish appearance. Because a tote bag has an average life of 104 times and makes your brand advertisement permanent. Consumption levels of plastic carrier bags vary considerably across the Union due to the effectiveness of policy measures taken by Member States, environmental awareness and differences in consumption habits. Some Member States have managed to significantly reduce consumption levels of plastic carrier bags and the average consumption level in the seven best performing Member States is only 20% of the Union's average consumption. In addition, it has been shown that consumer knowledge plays a decisive role in achieving any goal regarding a reduction in the consumption of plastic carrier bags. Therefore, institutional efforts are needed to raise awareness of the environmental impact of plastic carrier bags and to end the current perception that plastic is a harmless and inexpensive commodity.

In order to sustain reductions in the average consumption level of light plastic carrier bags, the general objectives of the Member States, the European Parliament and the Council of the Union are as follows:

In line with the waste hierarchy, measures should be taken to significantly reduce the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags. These reduction measures should take into account the current consumption levels of plastic carrier bags and the reduction amounts already achieved in individual Member States, and higher levels require more vigorous effort. To monitor the progress of reductions in the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags, national authorities are required to provide data on their consumption.

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