Choice Of Lamination In Nonwoven Tote Bags

Özgür AVCI, General Manager of Netpak Ambalaj, summarizes the benefits of laminating preference for environmentally friendly tote bags as follows.

Laminated bags are currently one of the most popular products for promotional purposes. Laminated bags, which are produced as glossy transparent and matte transparent with picture printing, are also produced with metallized laminated. The necessity of lamination is directly proportional to the color to be used in design and printing.

For example, if you want to use a photograph in your tote bag design, you can get the most positive print results from our laminated products. In this way, you will have both a rich promotional material and a stylish and useful long-lasting bag.

One of the most important features of laminated tote bags is that they are easy to clean. With the help of a damp cloth, you can clean these products as often as you want and keep the usage time quite long. There is also the metallized laminated process, which is a different branch. Metallized laminate is a solid colored laminate. It is produced in black, matte and glossy as in transparent. Among the most preferred colors are silver, gold and copper laminates. Apart from these colors, we also produce from other colors with special production.

Laminated bags are an excellent tool for your advertisements as they attract attention in the environment. Although it is mostly preferred by cosmetics companies, diamond and jewelers, it has quickly managed to enter the field of interest of every company that attaches importance to promotional advertising. We try not to prefer multi-colored printing on metallized laminates as much as possible. The most ideal print is 2 colors. Since metalized colors are already quite eye-catching, we want them to be integrated with a simple and elegant design. We try to apply this rule in our cloth bags, both technically and visually appealing.

Whether it is tote bags with multi-colored design and photo prints, or metalized colored tote bags, we enjoy the pleasure of combining laminated printing with our nonwoven fabrics, which we have developed with advanced technology, in our products. We are growing day by day with our advanced research and development team by integrating the excitement we experience while transforming each new design into a tote bag and the instinct to surpass ourselves.

We would like to thank October and my name for choosing us. In this step we have taken for a cleaner and more livable world, we are about to meet with the saplings growing in our laps.

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